research experience

  • Volunteer Researcher Civil Engeneering (FORMOSA - Brazil)

    Started: 2017-03-01 - Finished: 2018-03-01

    Stability study of concrete hydraulic structures

    Concrete hydraulic structures such as gravity dams are common elements in the national civil construction, because the main Brazilian energy source comes from hydroelectric power plants, where a large number of this type of structure is present, so one of the aspects of great importance is the structures. In this context, one of the main criteria that gives safety to these structures is their overall stability, ie, such elements must be stable under the loads to which they are conferred. Thus, this project aims to raise the main methodologies of verification of stability of hydraulic structures found in the literature and later the implementation of an algorithm in Matlab in order to automate these calculation routines. Finally, a case study will be carried out to validate the implemented routines, then perform an optimization analysis of this structure in order to obtain the most economic element possible, taking into account all the safety factors recommended by the current technical criterias.

teaching experience

No teaching info


  • Civil Engineering (FORMOSA - Brazil)

    Started: 2013-03-01 - Finished: 2018-12-01

awards & achievements

No awards or achievemets info.

other experience

  • TQS - Structural Calculation of Buildings

    TQS is the most complete structural calculation software in Brazil! Featuring an intuitive platform launch platform and the best and most refined tools for structural analysis and visualization of effort and displacement, you will be able to understand everything that is happening in the structure of your building, allowing the elaboration of a more optimized design , safe and economical.



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