
Petronila Liz Contreras Yalico's personal collection



Enmarcada en un contexto donde los medios de comunicación experimentan una serie de cambios tecnológicos en la producción de mensajes, propios de la sociedad del conocimiento, la revista anual Análisis y análisis tiene como objetivo fundamental [...]

Documents published in Scipedia

  • M. Echevarría, J. Polar
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 26

    The socioeconomic impact has global effects and Media is not exempt from them as they follow global trends, leaving growing need evidence of the development of aptitudes and [...]

  • N. Esaine
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 12

    The following article seeks to understand the consumer from a viewpoint of the tribes of consumption. In turn, position itself as a new alternative methodology for market [...]

  • A. Rosa
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 25

    The paper presents an updated approach of the social media role in the contemporary social movements. Drawing from the explanation of some viewpoints about interaction in [...]

  • L. Chanamé
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 24

    This paper aims to the analysis of Professional women’s performance in Sports Journalism, knowing the conditions, difficulties and challenges faced by feminine genre [...]

  • E. Cueva
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 23

    The main aim of this research was to determine the relation that exists between the internal communication as tool of Public Relations and the corporate identity of Public [...]

  • E. Blanco
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 22

    This paper is aimed to understand the relation between Television Journalism, journalistic sources and social network communication. Also, it explains how television news [...]

  • G. Padilla
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 21

    In the last two centuries, human society went through radical changes in the way they communicates. Consequence of constantly technology innovation, adverstising became into [...]

  • P. Cumpén
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 19

    TV News Channels in Peru exists since late nineties. This kind of media appeared as a public necessity because, in that moment, news coverage was coming from TV stations that [...]

  • C. García
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 18

    This article aims to analyze the journalistic content of the newspaper Perú21, on the focus of interest information on international relations to know the frames or [...]

  • E. Venier
    correspondencias & análisis (2018). 17

    Practices that link people with communication devices can be thought of as responses to needs of social groups that give rise to different ways of doing, thinking and managing [...]
