Latest discussions

  • Fintech

    What are some of the challenges facing fintech recently
  • Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class

    Please, find here the link to the recording of the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Master Class that took place on January 24, 2023.

  • Recording of the Introductory Online Meeting

    Please, find here the link to the recording of the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Introductory Meeting that took place on January 18, 2023.

  • Recording of the Introductory Online Meeting

    Please, find here the link to the recording of the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Introductory Meeting that took place on January 18, 2023.



  • Introductory Online Meeting

    Join the Introductory Online Meeting:


    Wednesday, January 18, 10:00 - 11:00

    Time zone: CET (GMT +01:00)

    To join the video meeting, click this link:

    Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +34 822 11 28 55 and enter this PIN: 244 837 744#

    To view more phone numbers, click this link:

  • Introductory Online Meeting

    Join the Introductory Online Meeting:


    Wednesday, January 18, 10:00 - 11:00

    Time zone: CET (GMT +01:00)

    To join the video meeting, click this link:

    Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +34 822 11 28 55 and enter this PIN: 244 837 744#

    To view more phone numbers, click this link:

  • Online Training Environment

    Click here to join the Online Training Environment!

  • Online Training Environment

    Click here to join the Online Training Environment!

  • Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class

    Join the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class:


    Tuesday, January 24, 16:00 - 17:00

    Time zone: CET (GMT +01:00)

    To join the video meeting, click this link:

    Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +34 872 55 88 16 and enter this PIN: 421 274 317#

    To view more phone numbers, click this link:

  • Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class

    Join the Entrepreneurship for Digital Economy Online Class:


    Tuesday, January 24, 16:00 - 17:00

    Time zone: CET (GMT +01:00)

    To join the video meeting, click this link:

    Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +34 872 55 88 16 and enter this PIN: 421 274 317#

    To view more phone numbers, click this link:

  • Introductory Online Meeting

    Join the Introductory Online Meeting:

    Thursday, June 23, 10:00 - 11:00

  • matcomp 21

    Alguien ha conseguido subir el articulo para Matcomp 21? Lo he intentado varias veces, pero se me bloquea justo despues de darle  "upload"

  • Subir documento

    Buenas noches,

    En mi caso, tampoco puedo subir la publicación a la revista. La plataforma no me acepta el formato editable en word, al cargarlo la página se queda cargando y luego aparece una página de error. Únicamente me permite subir archivos en pdf, y al buscar la Revista de Materiales Compuestos para clickar en 'Publish here' no me la encuentra de ninguna de las maneras.

    Si he descubierto una opción de añadir el documento buscando la revista por otro sitio, pero como es en pdf y no en word, no me deja añadirla a la revista.

    Teníamos tiempo hasta el 30 de abril. Quedo a la espera de alguna indicación que me ayude a solucionar la incidencia.

    Un saludo.

  • New functionalities available from 02/15/2022

    New functionalities available from 02/15/2022:

    • Improved journal/collection filters. Date and feature selectors now display the entire contents of the journal, allowing you to show more.
    • Integration of the text search engine within the journal/collection (local search).
    • Incorporation of a review code for peer-review journals.
    • An editor can now delete an article from her/his journal/collection once it has been published. This is returned to the author as a draft.
    • We have made the button to edit a user profile more visible.
  • Repository of working documents of the prodPhD project

    As member of this group you are granted permissions to access the repository of working documents of the project at:

  • Repository of working documents of the Fibregy project

    As member of this group you are granted permissions to access the repository of working documents of the project at:

  • Create the profile of your institution in Scipedia

    Now, you can have a profile of your institution in Scipedia. Scipedia institutional profiles include a presentation of the organization, a list of the registered members, a compilation of their contributions and some analytics. See CIMNE's profile as example of this feature.

    If you want to activate a profile of an existing institution, please contact us. We will grant you permissions as curator of that profile. Then, you will be able to fill out and update the information of your institution.

    You can also set up profiles for organizations, research teams or research projects. In order to do so, you must first to insert the name of the organization in the field “Additional institutions” of your profile. Then, contact us to activate the corresponding profile.


    Estimados revisores de RIMNI.
    Estamos completando un nuevo sistema de revisión de los artículos de RIMNI en Scipedia que pensamos puede mejorar varias de las prestaciones del actual.

    Basicamente se vuelve al clásico sistema de revisión por dos revisores seleccionados por la revista. Los autores solo recibirán la información de la revisión de su artículo una vez finalizada esta.

    En breve os informaremos de los detalles de cómo  se implementará el nuevo sistema de revisión.

    Gracias por vuestra colaboración con RIMNI.


    Eugenio Oñate

    Editor de RIMNI

  • Utilidad de Scipedia

      María José Rodríguez Malmierca

      Rodríguez Malmierca, María José Scipedia Reputation Score 196

      Centro de Supercomputación de...

      ¿Será una herramienta útil, o será una iniciativa válida pero sin respaldo académico suficiente?

    • History of documents (revisions)

      During the process of reviewing the articles, different changes are usually made in the document, and in some cases, it can be useful to revisit a previous version. You, as reviewer or author, can always access the different versions of the document through the "History" menu option (next to "Review").

      In the History page, you only need to click on the date of the revision to access that particular version. There is also a tool that allows to compare the changes between two versions.

      This utility to save the document revisions is also available (just for the authors) once the document has been published. Its main goal is to allow the authors to add data files, videos and any other additional information, which was not included in the first version.