
The purpose of this essay is basically informative; we are dealing with studies related to the prosody of spontaneous speech which are still not very well known in the world of Spanish linguistics (which includes Catalan linguistics). We offer a general state of affairs, and do not [...]


This article covers Spanish and Catalan clitic pronouns according to the fundamental theoretical principles of Distributed Morphology. The author postulates that the syntax-phonology mapping of clitics consists of two sub­mappings, the first from syntax to morphology and the second [...]


L’objectiu d’aquest article és analitzar els principals criteris que les guies d’estil recomanen per a visibilitzar les dones —o per fer un ús no sexista del llenguatge— des de dos punts de vista: el sintacticosemàntic i el discursiu. Des del punt de vista sintacticosemàntic, [...]


This article reflects upon new observations and old concepts related to the acquisition of syntax by examining the strengths and weaknesses of research in acquisitional syntax. Two of the strengths are the interdisciplinary nature of child acquisitional studies and the potential dialogue [...]


After Serafini’s (1992) distinction between loose and cohesive style, this paper shows the influence of sentence syntax on text construction and interpretation. Several stylistic effects derived from the use of one style or the other will be discussed by analyzing and comparing [...]


Abstract: A new semantic and syntactic approach to prepositions.