
Se analizan las características sociodemográficas y su peso relativo en la brecha de género entre los/as periodistas españoles/ as. Para ello se realizó una encuesta nacional representativa a 390 periodistas dentro del estudio internacional “Worlds of journalism study”. Los [...]


Sociodemographic features and their relative weight related to the gender gap between male and female journalists in Spain are analyzed. A national representative survey of 390 journalists was carried out as part of an international study “Worlds of journalism”. The results show [...]


Doctoral dissertations enable the transfer of research skills and capacities to future generations and the consolidation of lines of research in a given area of knowledge. The field of Library and Information Science in public universities in Spain is characterized by the supervision [...]


This paper aims to dissect the presence of female writers in the main four cultural supplements of Spanish reference press: Babelia (El país), Cultura|s (La vanguardia), El cultural (El mundo) and ABC cultural (ABC). For this, we analyzed the “books of the year” recommended between [...]


The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that educational systems must have an online component or even a substitute. However, the efforts for this necessary transition fall largely on the teaching staff, who have been forced to quickly adapt their activities to a virtual environment. In this [...]


Assessing women’s role in the audiovisual industry provides us with negative data regarding the number of women in the industry, which are also confirmed when factors such as their prominence or leadership in these audiovisual projects are considered. A quantitative and qualitative [...]


This paper presents the results of a study of the links between the gender gap in life expectancy, on the one hand, and differences in value attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle between [...]