
La Unión Europea afronta la cuarta revolución industrial y el mercado único digital con la unificación del régimen jurídico sobre protección de datos personales pretendida por el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 General de protección de datos. Esta unificación es más teórica que [...]


The European Union faces the fourth industrial revolution and the digital single market with the unification of the legal status for personal data protection sought by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. This legal unification is more theoretical than real, since [...]


Digital transformation of industries and markets remains a key challenge for the modern competition policy. Digital ecosystems are playing increasingly important roles in the structure [...]


The object of the research is the interconnections arising in the process of operation of Russian and foreign payment systems. The goal of the study is to conduct a comprehensive assessment [...]


The object of this working paper is the policy and priorities of the digital economy leaders (the G20 members) in regulating digital platforms. The goal of the study is to assess the impact of these countries’ policies in the field of digital platforms regulation and to develop [...]


The paper assesses the effectiveness of BRICS as a global governance institution in the time of global social-economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic [...]


An inclusion of non-market goods and services which are core to the digital economy in the system of economic circulation affects the basic socio-economic indicators both in Russian and in international practice. In this connection, the goal of this study is to develop a methodological [...]


The working paper studies the approaches of the digital economy leaders (the US, the EU and China) to data governance and approaches they promote in international institutions. Data can generate not only profits for tech giants, but also social value. However, the market forces [...]


The working paper studies the problems of digital platforms regulation related to consumer protection, countering anti-competitive practices, designing preventive (ex-ante) regulations, interdepartmental and international cooperation. The study is highly relevant since digital [...]