
EL CONCEPTO DE BRECHA DIGITAL (en inglés digital divide) se ha aplicado hasta la fecha para señalar las diferencias existentes en el acceso a la Sociedad de la Información entre países pobres y ricos, atendiendo fundamentalmente a la disponibilidad de infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones [...]


Tourist destination managers must design effective communication strategies as part of their promotional tasks. In order to do so, destinations need to know what sources of information tourists actually use during the stages of a trip. Previous studies have partially addressed this [...]


Budget visualization tools facilitate the communication of complex technical information. In this paper, we analyse the main technical, individual and organizational factors that affect its implementation and use. Through a questionnaire survey we have collected data from those responsible [...]


Tourist destination managers must design effective communication strategies as part of their promotional tasks. In order to do so, destinations need to know what sources of information tourists actually use during the stages of a trip. Previous studies have partially addressed this [...]


The web is central to the work and social lives of a substantial fraction of the world’s population, but the role of popular websites may not always be subject to academic scrutiny. This is a concern if social scientists are unable to understand an aspect of users’ daily lives [...]


El objetivo del trabajo es analizar los valores que orientan las decisiones y la práctica profesional de los bibliotecarios de las universidades públicas españolas, así como la forma en que los comunican a través de sus sedes web. La búsqueda de estas declaraciThe article aims [...]