
The main results of the book Social networks for scientists: A quantitative survey is discussed. The success or failure of social networks is closely linked to the management and creation of content. The most successful sites are the document sharing sites (ResearchGate, Academia.edu, [...]


The evolution of the top academic social networks: Mendeley, Academia.edu, and ResearchGate is analyzed. This study tests the current health of these platforms and determines which growth stage they are in by tracking the annual number of new members and documents. In addition, the [...]


The concept of "big data" is explained as a system of analyzing large amounts of data to discover trends, patterns, correlations and even causality to generate predictions. This discipline can be adapted to the context of the daily work of the information professional dealing with [...]


The origins, disciplinary relationships and main applications of cybermetrics and webometrics are explained, in order to proceed to a discussion of the current situation regarding the methods used for extracting web information and indicators from publicly available sources. We performed [...]


We discuss the popularity of Cuba’s MES (Ministry of Higher Education) centres, as well as their interconnectedness and visibility on the world wide web. The role of links in the positioning and visibility of these sites was studied because web browsers use link analysis (or hypertext [...]


Spain’s academic web space is diagrammed, together with its relationship with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), with the goal of determining the topology, the outstanding universities, and our standing with respect to other European web spaces. Several co-link maps and [...]


The extensive use of the web by many sectors of society has created the potential for new wider impact indicators. This article reviews research about Google Scholar and Google Patents, both of which can be used as sources of impact indicators for academic articles. It also briefly [...]


This literature review assesses indicators derived from social media sources, including both general and academic sites. Such indicators have been termed altmetrics, influmetrics, social media metrics, or a type of webometric, and have recently been commercialised by a number of companies [...]


Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies, technologies that produce three-dimensional parts layer by layer from a material, have the potential to revolutionize the paradigm of manufacturing. Furthermore, in recent years AM technologies have sparked intense interest for developing [...]