The aim of this paper is to offer a contrastive view of the literary style of the Valencian poet Vicent Andrés Estellés. By focusing on one of his latest books published, Sonata d'Isabel, it analyses the different types of diction his poems display, so as to understand and better [...]Abstract
Resum: This essay revises the contribution that Catalan poetry of the 1950s and 60s made to the aesthetic trend of realism, or rather neo-realism. It is also concemed with its contribution as a movement, focusing on the most important poets, among them, Vicent Andrés Estellés, Miquel [...]Abstract
The study focuses on Estellés work during the fifties, his beginnings, and specially his book of poems La nit. It analyses the resources and constants which appear in the book and define part of the poetry of the Valencian poet from Burjassot.