
Recently there has been increased interest in using thermoplastic encapsulant materials in photovoltaic modules, but concerns have been raised about whether these would be mechanically stable at high temperatures in the field. Recently, this has become a significant topic of discussion [...]


As creep of polymeric materials is potentially a safety concern for photovoltaic modules, the potential for module creep has become a significant topic of discussion in the development of IEC 61730 and IEC 61215. To investigate the possibility of creep, modules were constructed, using [...]


This work investigated the feasibility of the use of a novel infusible thermoplastic resin (Elium 150 from Arkema) for composite laminate manufacture by resin infusion methods and possible application in the shipbuilding sector. We compared the properties of Elium glass-fibre laminates [...]


In this work, we conducted an extensive comparative study of the water absorption behavior and retention of mechanical properties of a group of GRP composite laminates manufactured with a range of infusible thermosetting and thermoplastics resins. All laminates were manufactured [...]


Glass-fibre reinforced polymer (GRP) composite materials are the most widely adopted amongst fibrereinforced polymer composites globally, with approximately 1 million tons produced annually in the EU alone. GRP’s find very wide use and application in a number of industrial [...]


One of the most important challenges in the automotive field is to deal with the new regulations regarding the material’s recycling, following the guidelines of the Circular Economy, without losing properties. The hybridization of parts of recycled [...]


Thermoplastic welding technology is a long-established technology in the industry where the efficiency of the welded joint can be approached to the properties of the base material by fast, automated and reversible [...]


Carbon fibre matrix composites are consolidated in high-demanding industries such as aeronautics and aerospace. Nowadays, thermoset composites are fully integrated on several new aircrafts in production. However, [...]


Conference Abstract: This work investigated the feasibility of the use of a novel infusible thermoplastic resin (Elium 150 from Arkema) for composite laminate manufacture by resin infusion methods and possible application in the shipbuilding sector. We compared the properties of [...]