The speed in messages transmission and in the accesibility to the Internet and other technological advances have increased users and receivers intervention in mass media and have given us another way of interpersonal communication, the virtual one. This pAbstract
The celebration of the european year for disabled people has been useful to claim again that it is necessary a society which seeks for an integrated world where everybody could access all social facilities. New technologies can be an excelent means to reaAbstract
As the present world increase its complexity and speed in a society filled with information, it seems necessary to imagine the future. And media education must be included in this reflection because it is important to understand that complexity and that speed at the present as well [...]Abstract
The Internet as a socio-telematic media should generate and increase educational processes. Teaching and reading practice in the Internet is very necessary in order to learn to interact critically. The development of skills to explote its potencial for a deep and thoughtful comprehension [...]Abstract
This paper explores the new ways of relation and interaction which are taking place into the lnformation Society, particularly on the use of the latest information and communication technologies (ICTs). Young people, the «Net generationn, have a very good opinion of the language [...]Abstract
In this paper we present a teaching resource consisting on a virtual environment which prornotes cooperation among students through different user,to-user and environment-to-user communication strategies, which are free be used for academic and research purposes.Abstract
The virtual school es neither restricted to a physical place (the school) nor a fiexed timetable. On the wntrary, students and teachen interact without spacial or temporary restriaions. Virtual school provide big opportunities to the students who cannot attend regular classes for [...]Abstract
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a virtual meeting point where people from al1 over the world can meet and talk. On context new strategies for creating shared systems of significance, and strategies for constructing an identity, have evolved. These strategies consist mostly of linguistic [...]Abstract
The proliferation of web pages linked to educative institution and their enormous didactic potential are solid arguments that guarantee the need for a reflective debate from a pedagogical view to obtain a theoretical frame for these new educative techniquAbstract
Part 1: Autonomic and Decentralized Management International audience Energy efficiency has become a major research topic in the Internet community as a result of unprecedented rise in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. One typical approach towards energy [...]