
The Economics of Regulating Road Transport explores welfare economic evaluations – in terms of efficiency as well as equity and social feasibility – of regulatory policies and policy mixes directly aimed at, or indirectly connected to, the containment [...]


Modern communication networks have to be capable of responding to random fluctuations of requests and errors in different ways. One of them is traffic routing i.e. resource allocation. The designing of such networks (intelligent ones) and their management represent a challenge in [...]


Oι αστικές εμπορευματικές μεταφορές είναι ένα πολύ σημαντικό κομμάτι στην αλυσίδα [...]


Production and stock optimization in supply chains is a complex problem because it determines the optimum quantity production in time. Due to their multileveld nature, those problems are mostly solved by different methods and models of dynamic programming. The problem discussed in [...]


Recently, many of the foreign traffic-safety analyses point out the low level of traffic safety in multi-lane roundabouts. This problem is resolved in several ways in different countries however, the solution, whereby the number of conflict points is diminished (e.g. turbo roundabout) [...]


itle"Abstract"/jats:title" "jats:p"In the North West of England the issue of a perceived infrastructure gap is of increasing concern. Investment needs to be made to improve the transport infrastructure of the region if it is to be expected to promote the development of its own regional [...]


The problems of low level traffic safety on multi-lane roundabouts have been resolved in various ways in different countries, usually by using alternative types of roundabouts that reduce the number of conflict points. Alternative types of roundabouts typically differ from "normal" [...]


The spatial and temporal distribution of built space supply plays an important role in shaping urban form and thus the general travel pattern in an urban area. Within an integrated framework, we are interested in modeling the decisions of a builder in terms of when, where, what type, [...]


itle"Abstract"/jats:title""jats:p"The paper addresses an analysis of potential synergies in collaboration between an observed Port in the Mediterranean Sea and Central-European logistic railway-services based company. Both companies have established a strategic partnership. The main [...]


The author presents the results of the research in five parts, which are interconnected. After the introduction, in part two, entitled A Framework for Logistics Outsourcing Decisions, theoretical characteristics of outsourcing are presented. Part three, Core Competences and Outsourcing, [...]