Results are presented of an online survey answered by 3,453 libraries in 63 countries between 14 November 2015 and 21 January 2016, based on their experiences with a total of 138 integrated library systems (ILS). The best products classified in the various categories analysed were [...]Abstract
Results are presented of an online survey answered by 4,042 libraries in 92 countries between November 3rd 2015 and January 18th 2017, based on their experiences with a total of 138 integrated library systems (ILS), both commercial and open source. The best products classified in [...]Abstract
Results are presented of an online survey answered by 3,992 libraries in 87 countries between November 2017 and February 2018, based on their experiences with a total of 127 integrated library systems (ILS), both commercial and open source. The best products classified in their respective [...]Abstract
The findings of the “information access software” analyses released in September 2009 by the IT consultancy company Gartner Group are summarized. This term refers to various software applications from publishers like Microsoft, Zylab, Oracle, Autonomy, Google, etc., used for both [...]Abstract
Results are presented of an online survey answered by 3,141 libraries in 80 countries between 12 December 2014 and 29 January 2015, based on their experiences with a total of 154 integrated library systems (ILS). The best products classified in the various categories analysed were [...]Abstract
Cuando algunos países ex-colonizados consiguieron deshacerse de los mono-cultivos que los colonizadores les habían impuesto, se preguntaban cómo se habían dejado imponer aquella economía aberrante que les hacía depender de un único producto. De la misma manera, cuando el software [...]Abstract
Using internet research to study the current market of programs related to image management, we searched for the best software solutions for the description, dissemination and promotion of a photographic archive. With the experience obtained from using and configuring these programs [...]Abstract
The planning and design of a web site information architecture necessarily involves a prototype proposal for the architectural structure of the informational environment. The aim of this paper is to analyze and evaluate a range of tools that facilitate the development of the wireframes [...]Abstract
The documentary language thesaurus, as standard terms, have been an important development for document management using software applications such as TemaTres, which is a controlled vocabulary server. This free application, for use on the web, provides continuous access to the sets [...]Abstract
Nine digital courses on deciphering and reading palaeography are analysed. The study focuses on their goals, taking into account the borrowings inherited from the previous educational materials. The article begins explaining the main terminology. Later, it summarizes the characteristics [...]