We present the theoretical and methodological basis of a model that offers the managers information about their own social networks. We analyzed the nursing directors social networks of hospitals belonging to the Network of Hospitals for Public Use (XHUP ) of Catalonia, Spain, and [...]Abstract
The results of a study of social networking by professors’ co-memberships in library and information science PhD juries between 1993 and 2006 are presented. Degree reduction and k-core methods are used to extract sub-networks and a Ward’s hierarchical cluster analysis is performed. [...]Abstract
Improvement of the interfaces and search capacities of the opacs continues to be one of the main challenges for libraries, especially with regard to searching by subject. The visual interfaces can help with retrieval. This paper explores the combination of co-term analysis techniques [...]Abstract
The field of information behaviour research is dominated by a constructivist vision focused on the individual as a generator of knowledge. Recently, a group of researchers have increased the criticism of this approach and advocate a social turn. From this point of view, methods such [...]Abstract
We live in a dense social network of interactions that connect us to people, information, events and places facilitating or constraining the flow of information, ideas, perceptions, etc., into an instant and massive network communication system. We create cognitive artefacts that [...]Abstract
The global health crisis arising from the expansion of Covid-19 has led the WHO to coin the term infodemics to define a situation of fear and insecurity in which the dissemination of false information has become widespread. These hoaxes take advantage of this type of emotion to spread [...]Abstract
The structures of hospitals have evolved to make them centre on patients and their pathologies, with care procedures that are both interprofessional and interorganisational. This has given rise to work environments made up of teams obliged to collaborate in their problem-solving, [...]Abstract
In this paper, we wish to examine the perceived credibility of news items shared through Social Networking Sites (SNS) –specifically, as a function of tie strength and perceived credibility of the media source from which the content originated. We utilized a between-subjects design. [...]