
Recently the data fusion between a camera and a depth sensor of LiDAR type, has become an issue of major concern in industry and engineering. The quality of the delivered 3D models depends greatly on a proper calibration between sensors. This paper presents a sensitivity analysis [...]


A general methodology to optimize the weight of power transmission structures is presented in this article. This methodology is based on the simulated annealing algorithm defined by Kirkpatrick in the early ‘80s. This algorithm consists of a stochastic approach that allows [...]


The Urban Seismic Risk index (USRi) published in a previous article (Carreño et al., Nat Hazards 40:137–172, 2007) is a composite indicator that measures risk from an integrated perspective and guides decision-making for identifying the main interdisciplinary
factors [...]


This work analyzes the influence of the discretization error associated with the finite element (FE) analyses of each design configuration proposed by the structural shape optimization [...]


Evolutionary methods are a powerful and robust tool for the solution of structural shape optimization problems. Nevertheless, the use of these methods requires [...]


Hydraulic fracturing processes are surrounded by uncertainty, as available data is typically scant. In this work, we present a sampling-based stochastic analysis of the hydraulic fracturing [...]


This work analyzes the influence of the discretization error contained in the Finite Element (FE) analyses of each design configuration proposed by structural shape [...]


The Finite Element Method (FEM) has become the most popular numerical method for solving a [...]


This paper presents a formulation for the obtainment of the sensitivity analysis of a point wise error estimator with respect to the nodal coordinates using the adjoint state [...]