The work reported here is a result of the EPSRC Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Hub research programme (Grant ref. EP/J016454/1). A core theme of the UK Government's new Industrial Strategy is exploiting opportunities for domestic supply chain development. This extends to a special [...]Abstract
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a systematic process designed to identify and predict the potential impacts of human activity on the biophysical and human environment. It also functions as an environmental management tool to identify measures to avoid, mitigate or compensate [...]Abstract
The article looks at how taxes influence the tax payers' decision as to whether to own and use commercial passenger vehicles. Types of taxes and fees imposed on the purchase and operation of road passenger transport as a business are described in detail. Substantiation is provided [...]Abstract
Climate change and global resource shortages have led to rethinking traditional individual mobility services based on combustion engines. As the consequence of technological improvements, the first electric vehicles are now being introduced and greater market penetration can be expected. [...]Abstract
Within the renewable transport transition, a number of alternative technologies have emerged creating competing visions of how to reduce fossil fuel dependence. This paper examines the dynamics of competing fuels in two Swedish municipalities where electric buses have emerged, threatening [...]Abstract
This paper is an extension of work originally reported in SESAR Innovation Days 2018 : Zhengyi Wang, Man Liang, Daniel Delahaye. Automated Data-Driven Prediction on Aircraft Estimated Time of Arrival. SID 2018, 8th Sesar Innovations Days, Dec 2018, Salzburg, Austria. ⟨hal-01944608⟩; [...]Abstract
The role of habits in influencing transportation behaviour is acknowledged in many studies. However, most of these analyses draw on a narrow perspective of habits. In this paper, we adopt a reversed perspective regarding the interplay between habits and rationality. The insightfulness [...]Abstract
the number of electric vehicles increases, the impact of their charging on distribution networks is being investigated using different load profiles. Due to the lack of real charging data, the majority of these load impact studies are making assumptions for the electric vehicle charging [...]Abstract
Many different definitions are currently used to define a design `peak’ hour at airports, such that the majority of passengers receive adequate service levels and only an acceptably small proportion experience the impact of congestion. The evaluation of level of service provision [...]Abstract
Shared mobility or mobility in the sharing economy is characterised by the sharing of a vehicle instead of ownership, and the use of technology to connect users and providers. Based on a literature review, the following four emerging models are identified: (1) peer to peer provision [...]