
The increase in technological capabilities in information handling has raised a number of security and privacy issues with growing importance at the corporate level. On the other hand, aspects such as the implementation of the ISO 30300 series and innovative procurement projects pose [...]


Thoughts on information services strategies to fit with the routines of personal information management that users adopt in a digital information overload (infoxication) setting. The patterns of information use, as well as the breaking points of the information use routines that serve [...]


Our modern information societies are also –and especially– personal information societies. The collection of personal data has become the key asset for the development of digital markets. Even more, the way in which now people perceive and manage their privacy totally contrasts [...]


Los medios de comunicación pueden establecer un muro de pago con datos (datawall) solicitando a los lectores que compartan información a cambio de beneficiarse de servicios como recibir noticias personalizadas. Sin embargo, esto puede significar la pérdida de anonimato, y los miembros [...]


 In many cases, users of online applications and services consciously and willingly hand over personal data to obtain a better service or a price reduction. This action assumes –nominally – that they behaved rationally, estimating and comparing benefits and costs (the potential [...]


In many cases, users of online applications and services consciously and willingly hand over personal data to obtain a better service or a price reduction. This action assumes –nominally – that they behaved rationally, estimating and comparing benefits and costs (the potential [...]


La falta de eficacia de los métodos tradicionales de planificación en la publicidad tradicional, la creciente saturación publicitaria de los medios digitales y la influencia transformadora de los actores digitales en el sector han motivado la necesidad de desarrollar nuevos métodos [...]


Ineffective traditional advertising planning methods, the growing advertising saturation of digital media, and the disrupting influence of the digital players in the advertising sector have created a need for new methods and tools for advertising in today’s ubiquitous Internet. [...]


The increasing relevance of personal information has sparked a broad debate on privacy issues on the ubiquitous Internet. The so called ‘privacy paradox’ aims to explain through rational decision-making models the contradictions between stated digital privacy concerns and the [...]


The increasing relevance of personal information has sparked a broad debate on privacy issues on the ubiquitous Internet. The so called ‘privacy paradox’ aims to explain through rational decision-making models the contradictions between stated digital privacy concerns and the [...]