
In the field of clinical research, it is crucial to determine the safety and efficacy of current drugs and further accelerate the discovery of new active compounds. The traditional methods performed expensive laboratory tests. These methods are very costly and require a long time. [...]


Delaunay triangulation is a geometric problem that is relatively difficult to parallelize. Parallel algorithms are usually characterized by considerable interprocessor communication or [...]


An unstructured grid-based, parallel-free surface solver is presented. The overall scheme combines a finite-element, equal-order, projection-type 3-D incompressible flow solver with a finite [...]


The present article describes a simple element-driven strategy for the conforming refinement of simplicial finite element meshes in a distributed environment. The proposed algorithm is [...]


In this paper we present a fully distributed, communicator-aware, recursive, and interlevel-overlapped message-passing implementation of the multilevel balancing domain decomposition by constraints (MLBDDC) preconditioner. [...]


Processor simulators are important parts of processor design toolsets in which they are used to verify and evaluate the properties of the designed processors. While simulating architectures with independent function unit pipelines using simulation techniques that avoid the overhead [...]


In this report, we study the problem of optimizing the throughput of applications for heterogeneous platforms subject to failures. The considered applications are composed of a sequence of consecutive tasks linked as a linear graph (pipeline), with a type associated to each task. [...]


Pipeline morphing is a simple but effective technique for reconfiguring pipelined FPGA designs at run time. By overlapping computation and reconfiguration, the latency associated with emptying and refilling a pipeline can be avoided. We show how morphing can be applied to linear and [...]


In this paper, we present the design and implementation of POSSE, a new, lightweight computational steering system based on a client/server programming model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this software system by illustrating its use for a visualization client designed for a [...]


Making full use of the capabilities of the FPGA as an accelerator is difficult for non hardware experts, especially if partial reconfiguration is to be employed. One of the issues that arise is to physically implement modules into bounding boxes of minimum size for improving fragmentation [...]