
Las ciudades siempre han sido foco de vitalidad gracias al poder de sus calles para conectar gente, ideas, creatividad y, en última instancia, prosperidad. Mucha de esta vitalidad está ligada al comercio y a la actividad que desarrolla como catalizador y tractor no [...]


Título: Colaboración empresarial público-privada en la transformación urbana: el distrito de Ciutat Vella en Barcelona (1986-2002)

Autor: Pablo Algarrada Vera (pablo.algarrada@ub.edu) [...]


Governments worldwide face the difficult challenge of deciding which infrastructure projects to prioritize and select for implementation, given the limits of available funding and the need to attain their developmental goals. The key [...]


In 2016 the Government of Egypt (GoE) has embarked on an ambitious and much needed transition towards a better economic policy. While the macroeconomic stability and market confidence have been largely restored, the overall fiscal situation [...]


This Railway Reform Toolkit aims to provide an easy-to-use resource on the rail industry and to provide an experience-based set of best practices to aid in the planning and execution of railway reforms. It s based on international experiences [...]


Efficient energy services are essential for economic growth, competitiveness, and human development. Globally, energy markets are undergoing a transformation: fossil fuel prices are responding to new and unpredictable dynamics, and new [...]