This paper intends to deploy a reflection on some of the general features of taylorism and fordism, two work organization and surplus generating devices that have marked the history of capitalist modernity and have established a production pace unprecedented in the history of economic [...]
It is our intention to determine which gender stereotypes are present in music video clips. We will also focus on other exiting alternatives to the construction of man and woman concepts in our current society. The video clip language has, as one of its cAbstract
What is modernity in architecture? In English speaking world, the question is likely impossible to answer without considering the works of Peter Reyner Banham (1922–1988). Regardless of his polemist and disparaging style in his critical writings, this study argues that Banham offers [...]Abstract
Throughout this essay a balance on Jürgen Habermas’ theoretical itinerary is exposed. We review his deeper motivations and questions to see how they anticipated to his mature reflections. It is highlighted the prevailing trends in social science to limit the reflection about the [...]Abstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze some subjective issues for understanding why the killing of workers in the School Domingo Santa María de Iquique, is one of the milestones that inaugurates a new era on the nature of pain and horror in contemporary Chile. Owners of an Enlightenment [...]Abstract
This article aims to show the main proposals of Ulrich Beck about how the technological risks function in the context of the so-called second modernity, in order to expose their implications in terms of new forms of reflexivity in complex societies. We analyze the relationship between [...]Abstract
This paper is a reflection on the loss of silence suffered by our societies. We accept without critical distance the permanent flow of messages, sounds, words and images which is produced by the communication machines. We rarely think about the social, cuAbstract
The objective of this paper is to establish a comprehensive view of societal trends that have an impact on mobility and logistics in the future. Based on a review of scientific literature, the output of European research projects and reports from consultancies, the result of this [...]Abstract
Classical sociology was built upon three constitutive beliefs, rarely discussed. The first defined the space of sociology, the second defined the time and the third the position of the observer and the type of discourse. All three defined the subject matter of sociological investigation [...]