
The Information Schools (iSchools) are a prominent international academic network of information schools. Since its creation in 2005, about 80 universities have joined the network, through the respective faculties or departments thematically involved. The faculties or academic departments [...]


This contribution examines the visibility and accessibility of the doctoral dissertations in Library and Information Science in Spanish universities. The analysis shows the inadequacies of available resources that locate the theses in this discipline and calculate the percentage available [...]


The United States iSchools movement for reforming library and information science studies is analyzed as a contribution to the analysis and debate of the LIS education crisis in Spain and the proposal of action trends.


The popularity of social networks like Twitter, Facebook or YouTube has reached the area of libraries and documentation, where professionals are using them for contact with patrons and to communicate among themselves. On the one hand, by building a presence on social networks, professionals [...]


The evolution of training and education in information and documentation is reviewed, starting with the first systematic professional education initiatives in the 19th century. Some of the current key challenges and future action lines are discussed: clarifying the mission, the ecological [...]


In April of 2005 the Alonso Quijano Foundation published the first number of the magazine Mi biblioteca. With an international circulation, quarterly periodicity and printed format, the contents of this magazine pretend to be affordable to any type of non-specialized reader with an [...]