The digital media has proven successful with a specific type of information which is of great interest to those readers, accustomed to using diverse technology that furnishes them with the news on a variety of platforms: internet newspapers, information on social networks, informative [...]Abstract
The photo galleries in four Spanish digital journals --El mundo, La vanguardia, Sur and La voz de Galiciawere analysed in January 2010. A model was designed with indicators to examine the topics, configuration and informative value of the galleries. The study included the quantitative [...]Abstract
A study of the impact and influence of Digital Photography on the Press Documentation Departments. The photographic archives of the Documentation Departments of the Spanish daily newspapers Abc, El mundo, El país, La razón, La vanguardia and of the EFE news agency are used as reference. [...]Abstract
Thirteen redesigns of the top five Spanish daily newspapers (general information) during the 21st century (ABC, El país, El mundo del siglo XXI, La vanguardia, and 20 minutos) are analyzed. We try to establish the possible relationship between the crisis of print journalism and changes [...]