
Reputation, credibility, and accountability are the cornerstones of governing public service media in order to sustain and increase its legitimacy in society. To achieve this objective the management policies of public service media must be maintained and enhanced according to their [...]


Instagram has become an important tool for the production and distribution of political images. Our objective is to analyze its strategic management in a context of political and institutional crisis. Based on our own model of content analysis, nine thematic and formal categories [...]


The currently dominant model of scientific production in the field of communications research exhibits an over standardization of mainly empirical research, which is overwhelmingly carried out using quantitative techniques based on simple statistical analysis, in many cases limiting [...]


The different governance models of the European public service broadcasters reflect the centralized structural political power of the country centralized in each of their States or regions, lacking normative changes to ensure and reinforce their independence, trust and legitimacy. [...]


This is a study on the growth of public relations in Malaysia based on the advertisements placed in the newspapers during the colonial period. [...]