
Restoration and redevelopment are difficult when traces of things that require preservation have been minimized. Such operations are even more complex whenever a portion of an ancient city is involved. This essay describes the redevelopment project of the historic center of Wuhu through [...]


Having an identity as a ‘drinker’ has been linked to increased alcohol-related harm, self-reported consumption and self-reported intention to engage in risky drinking behavior. These effects have been observed when identities have been measured using explicit measures (e.g. via [...]


The main aim of this research was to determine the relation that exists between the internal communication as tool of Public Relations and the corporate identity of Public Health workers at Lima Region. It’s a non-experimental study with a correlational level. The sample [...]


The business world is eager for management models that allow being more efficient, surrounded by a development and interest in building a social consciousness.

The financial crisis of recent years has led the company to review and be aware of the importance to maintain [...]


Social communication media are understood as relevant producers of images, prejudices and stereotypes that make up a vision and identity about speeches [...]


This research addresses the analysis of the construction of the female identity in the news regarding the Female Brazilian National Soccer Team broadcasted in “Globo Esporte” and “Esporte Espectacular”, from Rede Globo de Televisão, during the 2016 [...]


This paper offers a reading of the Morisco character Ricote (Quijote, II, 54) from the perspective of the experience of emigration and exile of a Spaniard outside of Spain. The paper offers also a reflection on the related issues of Ricote’s identity as a «Spaniard», as well as [...]


En la comedia Los baños de Argel, algunos personajes adoptan el disfraz a fin de preservar su esencia y el antifaz con el propósito de ocultar la propia identidad. El objetivo de este artículo es examinar, desde el punto de vista de las prácticas teatrales, cómo el fingimiento [...]


This article emphasizes the decisive role played by Antoni de Bofarull and Víctor Balaguer in constructing the ideas and imagery which would feed Catalanist thought as well as their role in creating a Catalan national mythology. The analysis centres on the activities of these two [...]


International audience; This introductory chapter aims at re-visiting the social and linguistic context of contemporary Surinameand shifting attention away from the purely historical and anthropological construction of Surinamesereality to look instead at language practices in [...]