
The present and the future of health information are based on eHealth and knowledge management. Some aspects of this future were discussed at the High Level Ministerial Conference on eHealth, held in Barcelona in March 2010, where eHealth was seen as a tool for integration in European [...]


The transmission of fraudulent or misleading information on health through the internet is a major problem. Librarians must intervene to curb the scourge, using the tools of our profession: the tendency and ability to analyze sources of information, easy access to reliable sources [...]


Law and Information are two concepts that need each other, although the complexity of their relationship is not always fully understood. We propose an overview of the main areas where this relationship is more intimate and fundamental. To make this overview more comprehensive we will [...]


The information systems departments of European health services have the challenge of creating a dose record and reporting system of doses from medical procedures for its inclusion in the patient’s medical history, in compliance with Directive 2013/59 Euratom, which determines the [...]


The factors that affect users as they search for health information and conduct a self-diagnosis online among a nationally representative sample of Chileans with internet access were analysed. The results indicate that three groups of variables largely explain this phenomenon: 1) [...]


Journalists specialized in health information have changed their work routines because of Internet and social networks. Generating health content allows researchers, physicians and patients to be connected and, in this respect, media play a prescriber role in the society. In this [...]


The new information flows and the collapse of the journalistic monopoly in the intermediation with the public, have created opportunities and dysfunctions in biomedical information. To the problems of hype and commercialization, those related to the lack of filters and the diffusion [...]


The scientific community is facing one of its greatest challenges in solving a global health problem: the Covid-19 pandemic. This situation has generated an unprecedented volume of publications. What is the volume of scientific publications on Covid-19? The general objective of this [...]


The Covid-19 pandemic has greatly uneven impacts on sectors of society. People with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to it and so it is important to understand both the disability perspective and the role of social media. This information may help to reduce the risk from the [...]


The global health crisis arising from the expansion of Covid-19 has led the WHO to coin the term infodemics to define a situation of fear and insecurity in which the dissemination of false information has become widespread. These hoaxes take advantage of this type of emotion to spread [...]