
El concepto de 'medicina personalizada' se encuentra recientemente en boca de todos en los ambientes biomédicos. Este cambio de paradigma en el modo de entender la sanidad se plantea como la capacidad realizar acciones “a medida” de cada paciente, siguiendo [...]


Mejorar el bienestar de la sociedad mediante la optimización de los sistemas de salud es una de las prioridades de nuestra sociedad por ello es imprescindible buscar soluciones para hacerlo sostenible.

La medicina de precisión supone la adaptación [...]


The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-54420-0_31 A large up-to-date compendium of integrated genomic data is often required for biological data analysis. The compendium can be tens of terabytes in size, and must often be frequently [...]


Background: The analysis of next generation sequencing (NGS) has become a standard task for many laboratories in the life sciences. Though there exists several tools to support users in the manipulation of such datasets on various levels, few are built on the basis of vertical integration. [...]


ns4:p"Pipeline tools are becoming increasingly important within the field of bioinformatics. Using a pipeline manager to manage and run workflows comprised of multiple tools reduces workload and makes analysis results more reproducible. Existing tools require significant work to install [...]