
Up to now, ecology has a strong influence on the development of technical and instrumental aspects of architecture, such as renewable and efficient of resources and energy, CO2 emissions, air quality, water reuse, some social and economical aspects. These concepts define the physical [...]


The world of fashion is often associated with being trendy and being able to spend a good amount of money in purchasing clothes, shoes and accessories that are «in». The pre-teens, teenagers and yuppies are the main target group. But buying habits are slowly but surely changing, [...]


Gas will increasingly be seen as the fossil fuel of choice, especially when considering environmental impacts. Natural gas is the chance for Serbia for sustainable development and with its intensive consumption in the XXI century to conciliate the 4Es (Energy, Economy, Efficiency [...]


Weltweit streben immer mehr Regionen Energieautonomie an. Angesichts der Zukunftsrisiken Klimawandel und Erdölverknappung beabsichtigen sie, ihren Energiebedarf zu 100% aus eigenen erneuerbaren und daher CO2-neutralen Quellen zu decken. Während viele Regionen bei der Produktion [...]


Despite being a basic tool for decision-making about the implementation and operation of enterprises with potential negative impacts on the environment, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) still facechallenges to its consolidation as an effective tool for achieving sustainable [...]


Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a systematic process designed to identify and predict the potential impacts of human activity on the biophysical and human environment. It also functions as an environmental management tool to identify measures to avoid, mitigate or compensate [...]


Mobilität ist Ausdruck von Freiheit, Selbstbestimmung und Wohlstand. Bislang. Doch in den letzten Jahrzehnten hat der Verkehr enorm zugenommen: Die Mobilitätsformen vervielfältigen sich; das bisherige Verkehrssystem stößt an soziale und ökologische Belastungsgrenzen. [...]


The rapid advance of technologies is revolutionizing the way people work and transforming society into a digital world. In the shipping domain, many innovative technical systems have been designed and developed in the past decades, aiming to enable the maritime users to achieve the [...]


The rapid advance of technologies is revolutionizing the way people work and transforming society into a digital world. In the shipping domain, many innovative technical systems have been designed and developed in the past decades, aiming to enable the maritime users to achieve the [...]