Having an identity as a ‘drinker’ has been linked to increased alcohol-related harm, self-reported consumption and self-reported intention to engage in risky drinking behavior. These effects have been observed when identities have been measured using explicit measures (e.g. via [...]Abstract
Drug consumption in the population represents an area of continuous study which requires substantial knowledge of the associated variables in order to improve programs dedicated to consumption prevention. The main goal of this research was to determine the variables which can predict [...]Abstract
The controlling of modern district heating systems requires accurate models and simulation tools. The description and necessary verification of a model that sets these ambitions is a matter of this contribution. The model comes out of the known method-plug flow modelling. The implemented [...]Abstract
Social networks are digital media platforms that are frequently used by most of the population. This popularity has facilitated their use in many areas such as learning. This is the case of YouTube, one of the social networks that is most widely used for this purpose. The aim of this [...]Abstract
This article describes the most comprehensive study of the relationship between Generation Z and radio carried out in Spain to date, broadening the focus beyond data known from previous research and offering a structural view of the market from the perspective of media economics. [...]Abstract
In our times, globalization determinates that identity must be built by comsuption. A citizen is not anymore one voice in public opinion, but a consumer´s choice. People do not belong to a nation, but to a «consumers´community of common understanding». MeAbstract
The false and negative image of the audiovisual association movement stems in part from the associations themselves. The difficulties we encounter in our work are related to the complex audiovisual world (complex and kaleidoscopic product, psychologically complex relations between [...]Abstract
The generalization of a technological and digital screen world shows a complex reality. Traditional communication systems and new unknown relation with other novel and strangers converge in this reality. The television already has entered the digital world. The digital technologies [...]Abstract
In this presentation the impacts, influence an effects that the television has on the viewers is analyzed. Special attention is put on one of the most questioned aspects of the television: the violence, with many opinions of some authors about the importance of this fact over the [...]Abstract
Nobody questions that advertising is one of the elements of the culture of our time and it generates consumption, being the children the most sensitive objectives. Thus, once the consumption habit is created, it is quite easy to correct its direction, directing it towards the satisfaction [...]