
Lorcan Dempsey has formulated the brilliant concept of the "facilitated collection”, which represents what the academic library collection should be today. Library collections have traditionally been dominated by print logic, where size and closeness are core values. This logic [...]


The increased proliferation and accessibility of geographic data are changing the landscape of services based on geographic information. From the analysis of recent job offers posted in American university libraries, we discuss what could be the role of the information professional [...]


Considering bibliographic heritage as indispensable for the knowledge of our culture and history, we show the results of the research project “Situation of the heritage library collections of three public libraries of Antioquia, Colombia". This research aimed to establish the role [...]


The evolution of the use of electronic scientific journals in the 2007-2018 period by the academic communities of the public universities of Castilla and Leon, members the Bucle consortium, is studied. Downloads of articles distributed by four broad-spectrum providers are analyzed: [...]