
This work aims to perform a comparative analysis between the Hec-RAS and IBER models, in the hydraulic evaluation of rivers with structures such as bridges. The case of application was the La Guardia creek, located in the road that communicates the cities of Barquisimeto-Quíbor, [...]


Composite structures have not been able to compete in Spain with more conventional prestressed concrete bridges in the lower range of medium spans (30 - 90 m.). In this context, twin-girder sections are revealed as a more competent typology because of its sobriety, ease of construction [...]


Extreme natural and man-made events can harm the road infrastructure facilities with substantial economic"br" damages. The research presented in this paper focuses on the quantification of the availability and safety of road"br" infrastructure during the occurrence of extreme events. [...]


The Hillman-Composite Beam (HCB®), is an innovative structural member for use in highway and railroad bridges as well as marine facilities. The HCB is essentially a lightweight reinforced concrete beam strengthened and protected by a corrosion-resistant and resilient Fiberglass [...]


Arch bridges were the first constructions with considerable spans built by man, due to the materials and technologies available at that time. Afterwards, these works of art have diversified and are now solutions used in countless situations, especially when crossing deep valleys."/jats:p""jats:p"Both [...]


Rezumat"/jats:title" "jats:p" În cadrul articolului cu titlul „Beton monolit versus beton prefabricat la execuția în consolă a podurilor” vor fi abordate o serie de probleme care apar atât la proiectarea cât şi la execuţia structurilor de poduri din beton precomprimat [...]


"jats:p" The norms and standards for design of timber bridges, as well as other structures built from this material, were obsolete, design standards that were used dated from 1978 to 1980. The introduction of European Standards has created a new legislative framework in the field [...]


Bridges with deck supported either on sliding or elastomeric bearings are common in mid-seismicity regions. Pounding between deck and abutments is linked with their main seismic vulnerabilities, which can be assessed by estimating the probability of a given state of damage being reached [...]


The evolution of the state of a structure is characterized by deterioration. This is mainly due to corrosion of the steel reinforcement and damage from mechanical solicitations. The maintenance of existing infrastructures involves a good grasp of their condition and a high level [...]