
Barquisimeto, capital del Estado Lara, Venezuela, cuenta con un Plan de Desarrollo Urbano Local aprobado en agosto de 2003 cuya vigencia se estimaba hasta el 2016, razón por la cual las autoridades municipales tienen la responsabilidad de asumir su actualización o [...]


n 1578, twenty-five years after the city of Nueva Segovia de Barquisimeto was founded, the first sick care center was created in Lara State and Venezuela, which were attended by slaves, this sick shelter was called "Hospital de Santiago" organized by the Spanish conquerors and promoted [...]


This article is about the elaboration of a special plan for a zone of the Macrosector Center of Barquisimeto, derived from a situational analysis of the urban structure, social organization, resident population, roads and requirements of urban equipment. Elements of both traditional [...]