Technological innovation requires major adjustments in organizations, companies and public services. To understand the transformation of libraries it is vital to understand the transformations in access to information and education. Both public and academic libraries, are becoming [...]Abstract
Transparency in public administration is possible if citizens are guaranteed access to documents. In this paper we propose a definition of transparency and analyse the Spanish legislation that addresses the right of access to information. Transparency is also more readily achieved [...]Abstract
We analyze the systems inside an online newspaper that allow access to news outside their own online media. It is important to know how mass media are using these tools because of the sparse documentation and its constant evolution. We propose a model of analysis applied to seven [...]Abstract
Whilst science and religion are arguably compatible as two methods to identify truth, in practice they are divergent in their effects. This has serious implications for the theory and practice of library and information work. By starting with the human right of freedom of expression [...]Abstract
This study analyses the media coverage of immigration in Melilla, the land frontier between Spain and Morocco andone of the access points where immigrants enter the European Union, and the role that journalists and other agents play in spreading news on immigration. By means of a [...]Abstract
This study analyses the media coverage of immigration in Melilla, the land frontier between Spain and Morocco andone of the access points where immigrants enter the European Union, and the role that journalists and other agents play in spreading news on immigration. By means of a [...]Abstract
We analyzed the archiving strategies of five citizen mobilizations that have taken place in Spain since 2004. All of them have in common an explicit will of the protagonists to keep the records generated during the events, in order to build an account of what happened “from below” [...]Abstract
The academic debate on transparency has experienced a boom in recent decades. A review of the scientific literature allows us to identify two key moments in the discussion on digital transparency: the declaration of Barack Obama’s Memorandum on transparency and open government in [...]Abstract
Africa is estimated to have great potential for agricultural production, but there are a number of constraints inhibiting the development of that potential. Spatial data are increasingly important in the realization of potential as well as the associated constraints. With crop production [...]