
The land-transportation cannot meet its demands anymore. Jammed highways and cities, dangerous emissions, omnipresent traffic accidents, delays, expensive railways. Solutions are being sought to transfer a large part of passenger- and especially freight-traffic to (high-speed) rail [...]


This article deals with the railway traffic control and railway traffic equipment in terms of implementation of TSI. The main goal is to research the optimal priority of international freight expresses, especially in the overlapping sections, which represent critical line sections [...]


Slip controller is an essential part of the locomotive controller because it enables maximum force transfer and increases the service life of the locomotive parts. The modern slip controllers try to determine actual adhesion parameters and set the required tractive force to avoid [...]


This article compares the costs of public road and rail regional passenger transport in the district of Pardubice. The article contains the differences in unit costs between two means of transport, the objective point of view of the road and rail transport costs in the Pardubice region. [...]


This article deals the use of routes of train services for the implementation of periodic timetable. Článek řeší využít tras v rámci železniční dopravy z hlediska provádění periodického jízdního řádu.