
Economic science considers human capital as a fundamental factor that stimulates the accumulation of productive capital and, accordingly, has a positive effect on economic growth. Improving labor force quality can lead to an increase in the well-being of an individual due to an increase in his labor cost. An increase in public welfare will affect the economic growth of the state as a whole. The above conditions the relevance and timeliness of this work, aimed at illustration of human capital concept (subject of the study), as well as determination of human capital place in theoretical economic growth models and empirical mechanisms of its influence on growth. A review of theoretical works analyzing human capital concept and its relationship with economic growth rates aimed at achieving this goal. The study was conducted at the IPEI Center for the Study of Central Banking Problems as part of the RANEPA state task for 2022 using relevant academic literature and as the major source of

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Published on 06/10/23
Submitted on 28/09/23

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