The paper presents an approach to the problem of railway-road level crossings. The goal is to improve safety in the transport system network, which includes a considerable number of "inadequately protected" crossings. The single crossing, in its abstract sense, is considered to be a system consisting of four subsystems: the external world, the crossing in its strict sense of the word, the railway and the road. The system analysis of the problem is based on an exhaustive set of bibliography, listed at the end of the paper. This analysis leads to many findings and those exerting the greatest impact are selected as the basis for the synthesis. The synthesis proposes a triangle of variables: time period, critical points on the railway network and the value of the risk indicator. This simple model may include also other variables by converting relevant values. The main result is the risk indicator over the network. It can be used for various scenarios, thus enabling their mutual comparison as well as application in investment studies. Članek obravnava problem nivojskih križanj železnice in ceste. Cilj je izboljšati varnost transportnega sistema, ki vključuje precejšnje število nezadovoljivo zavarovanih križanj. Nivojsko križanje sestavljajo štirje manjši deli: okolje, samo križanje, železnica in cesta. Analiza problema je osnovana na izčrpni bibliografiji, ki je navedena na koncu članka. Ugotovitve analize, ki imajo največji vpliv, so bile osnova za končne sklepe. Gre za preplet treh dejavnikov: časa, kritičnih točk na železniški mreži in tveganja. V ta model lahko vključimo tudi ostale dejavnike. Zaključek analize podaja dejavnike največjega tveganja na železnici, ki se lahko uporabijo za različne scenarije, omogočajo njihovo medsebojno primerjavo in se upoštevajo pri investicijskih študijah.
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Published on 01/01/2003
Volume 2003, 2003
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v15i5.894
Licence: Other
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