Published in Journal of Engineering Mechanics Vol. 125 (9), pp. 1028-1038, 1999
doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1999)125:9(1028)
In this work a coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical model for the behavior of concrete at early ages is proposed. This paper presents the formulation and assessment of the mechanical aspects of the model. Short- and long-term mechanical behaviors are modeled via a viscoelastic damage model that accounts for the aging effects. The short-term model is based on the framework of the continuum damage mechanics theory. A novel normalized format of the damage model is proposed, so that the phenomenon of aging is accounted for in a natural fashion. Long-term effects are included by incorporating a creep model inspired in the microprestress-solidification theory.
Published on 01/01/1999
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1999)125:9(1028)
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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