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The paper is based on the results of the research work «Methodology for conducting an administrative survey on issues of child well-being», accomplished by the team of the Field Research Center of the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting (RANEPA) in 2021-2022. One of the most important criteria for the country's social development is the welfare of children. In order to make the concept of «child well-being» more definite, it is necessary to reach agreement between the experts’ community, the state and its society in determining the quality of life, and to develop social research tools that allow measuring the social well-being of children. The purpose of the study is to develop and test a survey toolkit to measure the social well-being of children. The objectives of the study are to form a questionnaire that allows a complex survey of children and parents and to conduct an administrative survey in the selected regions and in Russia as a whole, as well as in the context of various social groups of children living in two-parent, single-parent, foster families and childcare institutions. Methods used include online survey, administrative survey. The object of the research is families with children. The subject of the study is the mechanism for measuring a happy childhood based on six domains: education, health, financial situation, safety, social relations, and self-fulfillment. The results of this research work can be used in (1) formulating recommendations for improving the state policy in the field of child protection and education; (2) developing recommendations for the ongoing national program of systemic support and improving the quality of life of families with children, and 3) developing recommendations to the executive authorities, taking into account the needs of children, to determine the main directions and activities of family policy

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Published on 12/07/23
Submitted on 04/07/23

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