Labia hypertrophy is a completely normal condition, six out of ten patients have labia minora hypertrophy, but not all are surgical, it is related to hormonal factors, trauma, [...]
Benign tumors of epithelial connective tissue located in the vulvar region have a very low incidence; the most frequent of these is fibroepithelial polyp, also known as acrochordon. [...]
Objective: To evaluate the indications for labiaplasty with 30 watt, 980nm diode laser performed in the office in the period 2016-2017 and the results obtained in terms of [...]
Female sexual dysfunction is a disorder that occurs when there is a change in a woman's usual sexual response. The reasons for consultation are more frequent, are the [...]
Las disfunciones sexuales son consideradas como un problema de salud pública que afecta la calidad de vida de la mujer en cualquier etapa de su vida adulta, y entre [...]
Objective: Evaluate the safety of the technique: Laser-assisted liposuction Diode 980-nm, presenting the rate of complications obtained in our interventions. Methods: A retrospective, [...]
La labioplastia es un procedimiento quirúrgico que se emplea para mejorar el aspecto funcional, estético y psicosocial de la vulva, cada día aumenta su [...]
El Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH), causa cáncer del cuello del útero, la mayor parte de las infecciones por VPH son asintomáticos y categorizados, de [...]
In recent years, the usefulness of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) for soft tissue healing has been published. In the gynecological area, it is used to stimulate vaginal and clitoral [...]