research experience

  • Researcher Post Graduate Program - Integrity of Engineering Materials (Brasília - Brazil)

    Started: 2019-03-01 - Currently working.

    Group of Experimental and Computational Mechanics

    Master in Engineering Materials Integrity (Computational Mechanics) from the University of Brasília (2021). Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Faculty of Technology and Sciences of Vitória da Conquista (2017). Member of the Group of Computational and Experimental Mechanics (GMEC) at the University of Brasília. Research about optimization on stiffened plates using nature-based algorithms.

teaching experience

No teaching info


  • Computational Mechanics (Brasília - Brazil)

    Started: 2019-03-01 - Finished: 2021-04-01

awards & achievements

No awards or achievemets info.

other experience

No other experience info.