• R. Ugel, L. Pujades, N. Guerrero, R. Herrera
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering (2020). MIS78

    In this study it was assessed the seismic behavior of framed buildings with composite structure of steel and reinforced concrete (RC) in a specific configuration formed with [...]

  • R. Aguiar, B. Cagua, J. Pilatasig
    (2020). MIS77

    The static non-linear analysis allows us to know the probable seismic performance that a structure will have, this by obtaining the resistant seismic capacity curve that relates [...]

  • R. Aguiar, M. Rodríguez, D. Mora
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2016). MIS75, ISBN: 978-84-945077-5-5

    Existe abundante bibliografía sobre disipadores de energía sísmicos, ya que con estos dispositivos se puede reforzar estructuras o contemplarles en el [...]

  • G. Bernal, O. Cardona
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2016). MIS74, ISBN: 978-84-945077-6-2

    A methodology for assessing site effects in cities is presented, which is based on the geometry of the prevailing geological formations and their relation to soft soil deposits. [...]

  • M. Calvillo, C. Huerta, F. Espinoza
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2016). MIS73, ISBN: 978-84-945077-4-8

    Una predicción precisa de la respuesta de estructuras sujetas a sismos, requiere información de sus propiedades dinámicas en sitio, tanto de la estructura [...]

  • R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2015). MIS72, ISBN: 978-84-944244-3-4

    En esta publicación se presenta, en primer lugar, las fallas ciegas inversas de Quito, denominadas de sur a norte: Puengasí; Ilumbisí-La Bota (ILB); Carcelén [...]

  • J. Vielma, M. Cando
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2015). MIS70, ISBN: 978-84-943928-1-8

    Nowadays, there are a large number works focused on determining the seismic vulnerability of structures. This feature is not accidental, but rather the product of concern [...]

  • J. Vielma
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2014). MIS68, ISBN: 978-84-941686-9-7

    Una de las principales preocupaciones de los especialistas relacionados con el medio construido tiene que ver con la capacidad de las estructuras para soportar acciones excepcionales. [...]

  • F. Diaz-Guzman, F. Espinoza, R. Sanchez, C. Huerta
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2012). MIS67, ISBN: 978-84-939640-1-6

    En esta monografía se presenta el análisis de un edificio de 12 niveles de elementos prefabricados en la ciudad de Ensenada donde se determina la respuesta [...]

  • J. Castro, F. López-Almansa, S. Oller
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2011). MIS66, ISBN: 978-84-95999-12-2

    Los disipadores de energía son elementos pasivos que se incorporan a edificios y a otras construcciones que, pueden estar sometidas a acciones dinámicas, especialmente [...]

  • G. Palazzo, F. López-Almansa, X. Cahís, F. Crisafulli
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2011). MIS64, ISBN: 978-84-96736-98-6

    Buckling restrained braces are passive energy dissipators used for seismic protection of building frames; such devices consist of slender steel bars connected usually to [...]

  • J. Hurtado
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2010). MIS63, ISBN: 978-84-96736-86-3

    This monograph deals with the problem of reliability analysis in the field of Earthquake Engineering. Chapter 1 is devoted to a summary of the most widely used reliability [...]

  • F. Magalhaes, A. Cunha, E. Caetano
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2005). MIS54, ISBN: 84-95999-77-3

    Neste contexto, as técnicas de identificaçao dos parámetros modais da estrutura (frequencias naturais, configuraçoes dos modos de vibraçao [...]

  • D. Bedoya, J. Farbiaz, J. Hurtado, L. Pujades
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2002). MIS50, ISBN: 84--95999-23-4

    El estudio que aquí se expone propone una alternativa al diseño y construcción de viviendas de interés social, ubicadas en zonas de alta sismicidad, [...]

  • M. Jara, J. Casas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2002). MIS49, ISBN: 84-95999-02-1

    La búsqueda de medios para proporcionar suficiente resistencia a una estructura y asegurar un comportamiento satisfactorio para diferentes niveles de intensidad sísmica, [...]

  • A. Jarauta, J. Casas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2002). MIS48, ISBN: 84-95999-01-3

    Los daños que producen los sismos en los sistemas de transporte, suelen tener un impacto significativo en el total de las pérdidas económicas producidas [...]

  • J. Alvarez, S. Alcocer
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2001). MIS46, ISBN: 84-89925-90-9

    El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo, es estudiar de manera analítica las implicaciones que tiene la existencia de aberturas en la degradación de resistencia [...]

  • R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2001). MIS45, ISBN: 84-89925-87-9

    Las normas que están vigentes en la mayoría de los códigos y normativas sísmicas tienen un objetivo principal: que la estructura tenga un buen [...]

  • A. Benavent-Climent, F. López-Almansa, L. Pujades
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2001). MIS44, ISBN: 84-899925-88-7

    El principal objetivo de esta monografía es la evaluación de la capacidad límite de disipación de energía de las estructuras sometidas a [...]

  • A. Benavent-Climent, L. Pujades, F. López-Almansa
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2001). MIS43, ISBN: 84-89925-86-0

    Esta monografía se compone de seis capítulos. En el Capítulo 1 se introduce el concepto de la energía y se demuestra la dependencia que tiene el [...]

  • R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2000). MIS42, ISBN: 84-89925-74-7

    Se muestran las normativas en Venezuela, Colombia , Ecuador y Perú, en lo referente a las acciones sísmicas de diseño.

  • E. Maldonado, J. Casas, J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2000). MIS40, ISBN: 84-84-89925-62-3

    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo rápido y sencillo de evaluación de la vulnerabilidad sísmica de puentes a escala regional. El modelo fue estructurado [...]

  • E. Maldonado, J. Casas, J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering (CIMNE) (2019). 26

    En este trabajo de presentan las bases teóricas de los conjuntos difusos necesarias para desarrollar un modelo de vulnerabilidad sísmica basado en opinión [...]

  • J. Hurtado
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2000). MIS38, ISBN: 84-89925-59-3

    El presente  trabajo está concebido solamente como una introducción al tema que no obstante reúne de manera directa y suficiente los conocimientos [...]

  • V. Giraldo, A. Alfaro, L. Pujades, J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering (CIMNE) (2019). 24

    Se presenta una visión amplia de la utilización de registros de movimiento sísmicos fuertes, movimientos sísmicos débiles y microtemblores [...]

  • J. Flórez-López
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1999). MIS35, ISBN: 84-89925-46-1

    En esta monografía se presenta una teoría general de pórticos planos, que incluye desde el modelo elástico lineal tradicional hasta una mecánica [...]

  • D. Foti, J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1999). MIS34, ISBN: 84-89925-40-2

    In this research the study of an experimental reduced scale stell model of a medium-rise building structure is presented. The model was dynamically protected with energy dissipators [...]

  • J. Hurtado
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1999). MIS33, ISBN: 84-89925-34-8

    En este trabajo se desarrolla la estimación de un modelo estocástico de la variación temporal de las ondas sísmicas para la ciudad de Manizales [...]

  • O. Cardona
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1999). MIS32, ISBN: 84-89925-33-X

    El propósito de esta monografía es informar a las personas involucradas en la planeación, operación, manejo y diseño de servicios de salud [...]

  • R. Faria
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1998). MIS31, ISBN: 84-89925-28-3

    This monograph is devoted to the numerical evaluation of the seismic performance of concrete dams, with a particular emphasis on arch typology, here represented by the portuguese [...]

  • R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1998). MIS30, ISBN: 84-89925-27-5

    Se presenta la metodología de cálculo para evaluar la peligrosidad sísmica a nivel regional orientada al diseño sísmico de estructuras. [...]

  • R. Faria
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1998). MIS29, ISBN: 84-89925-25-9

    In this monograph the basic methodologies for the non-linear seismic analysis of concrete dams are presented. The Finite Element Method is used to discretize the dam-foundation-reservoir [...]

  • E. Maldonado, J. Canas, J. Casas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering (CIMNE) (2019). 16

    Como una primera aproximación al desarrollo del análisis de vulnerabilidad sísmica de puentes, hemos llevado a cabo el presente estudio del estado del [...]

  • E. Maldonado, J. Canas, J. Casas, L. Pujades
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1998). MIS27, ISBN: 84-89925-23-2

    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudiar los aspectos más importantes involucrados en la respuesta de un puente ante la acción sísmica. Se presentan [...]

  • R. Blázquez, A. Suárez, E. Carreño, A. Martín
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1998). MIS26, ISBN: 84-89925-11-9

    Se analizan en este trabajo los datos acelerográficos asociados a los dos sismos principlaes de la denomianda serie de Adra. El estudio realizado se centra en la caracterización [...]

  • J. Hurtado
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1998). MIS25, ISBN: 84-89925-09

    This monographs deals with methods for analysing the random vibration of deterministic or uncertain hysteretic structures under any type of external random dynamic load. However, [...]

  • R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1997). MIS23, ISBN: 84-89925-00-3

    En la presente monografía se calcula el daño sísmico en edificios porticados de hormigón armado con muros de cortante, de dos formas. En la primera [...]

  • F. Yépez
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1996). MIS19, ISBN: 84-87867-80-4

    La presente monografía tiene por objeto el estudio del comportamiento sísmico de estructuras de hormigón armado, sujetas a acciones sísmica severas. [...]

  • D. Foti, J. Kelly
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1996). MIS18, ISBN: 84-87867-82-0

    The main purpose of the research reported here is to investigate the behavior of Rubber-Layer Roller Bearings (RLRB) used to base isolate a low-rise structure during horizontal [...]

  • R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1996). MIS17, ISBN: 84-87867-43-X

    En la presente monografía se propone una forma de cálculo de la curvatura de fluencia por deterioro de aherencia y corte inelástico basado en la solución [...]

  • J. Caselles, J. Canas, L. Pujades, R. Herrmann
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1995). MIS16, ISBN: 84-87867-60-X

    La atenuación anelástica es uno de los parámetros que indica lo rápidamente que se atenuan las ondas sísmicas en su recorrido desdel el [...]

  • J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1995). MIS13, ISBN: 84-87867-57-X

    El trabajo que se presenta consiste en el estudio del factor anelástico Q en la Península Ibérica obtenido a partir de la información extraida [...]

  • J. Canas, L. Pujades, E. Banda
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1994). MIS11, ISBN: 84-87867-49-9

  • A. Cunha
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1994). MIS09, ISBN: 84-87867-47-2

    A presente monografia comporta, para além de un capítulo de carácter introdútorio (Capitulo 1), dois capítulos fundamentais (Capítulos [...]

  • J. Arango
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1994). MIS07, ISBN: 84-87867-44-8

    El trabajo se organiza en dos partes: en la primera se analiza el potencial de licuefacción del suelo en aquellos lugares con referencias históricas fiables. [...]

  • M. Galindo, J. Oliver, M. Cervera
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1993). MIS03, ISBN: 84-87867-38-3

    Desde una perspectiva metodológica general, el presente estudio pretende desarrollar una herramienta basada en la utilización del diseño asistido por [...]

  • R. Andrade, J. Rodellar, F. Almansa
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1993). MIS02, ISBN: 84-87867-37-5

    En este trabajo se propone una metodología para diseñar sistemas de control activo de estructuras utilizando un algoritmo de control basado en la estrategia [...]

  • L. Rotondo
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1993). MIS01

    Qualitative reasoning is a new field of research from artificial intelligence that derives the behavior of a model from a high-level representation of the fundamental principles [...]

  • R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2006). MIS57, ISBN: 84-95999-91-9

    En la última década se han desarrollado importantes investigaciones en los Estados Unidos de Norte América, para evaluar en forma rápida la vulnerabilidad [...]

  • R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2007). IS58, ISBN: 978-84-96736-40-7

    En los Países Desarrollados existen comités de normas que se encuentran trabajando en forma continua, esto se debe a que día a día existen nuevos [...]

  • G. Valdebenito, A. Aparicio
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2010). MIS62, ISBN: 978-84-96736-84-9

    Earthquakes can be really destructive. There is no doubt. Recent seismic events have demonstrated the important effects on structures, and especially on bridges. In this sense, [...]

  • G. Bernal, O. Cardona
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2015). MIS71, ISBN: 978-84-944244-2-7

    En esta monografía se propone el desarrollo de una metodología numérica para la calibración de un modelo de espectro de fuente a partir de información [...]

  • M. Salgado-Gálvez, O. Cardona, M. Carreño, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2015). MIS69, ISBN: 978-84-943307-7-3

    This work attempts to explain how probabilistic seismic risk assessments can be performed at different resolution levels, using, strictly speaking, the same methodology (or [...]

  • J. Vielma, M. Mulder
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2018). MIS76, ISBN: 1134-3249

    Some residential buildings are irregular, having plants with entrances, fact which can worsen their behavior during potential seismic events. They can present demands that [...]

  • G. Valdebenito, A. Aparicio
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2005). MIS55

    Las siguientes páginas corresponden a la presentación de los últimos avances y novedades en materia de comportamiento sísmico de puentes de tirantes [...]

  • L. Bozzo, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1995). MIS15, ISBN: 84-87867-59-6

    The monograph is subdivided into two parts. The first part presents concepts of seismology such as intensity or magnitude, together with probabilistic concepts related to [...]

  • A. Barbat, S. Oller, J. Vielma
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2005). MIS56, ISBN: 84-95999-89-7

    The monograph highlights the way in which, in the long term, the application of design standards can lead to a reduction of seismic risk in urban areas. The seismic design [...]

  • C. Caicedo, A. Barbat, J. Canas, R. Aguiar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1994). MIS06, ISBN: 84-87867-53-X

    The monograph summarizes the problem of risk for any type of natural phenomenon, defines each of the terms that intervene in the risk analysis, describes the way in which [...]

  • A. Hanganu, A. Barbat, S. Oller, E. Oñate
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1994). MIS4, ISBN: 84-87867-40-5

    There is a general interest in civil engineering to quantify the damage produced in structures by catastrophic actions. It would be convenient, from a practical point of view, [...]

  • N. Molinares, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1994). MIS05, ISBN: 84-87867-41-3

    The objectives of the seismic design of buildings can be achieved by applying techniques of conventional design that consider the that the ground motion is transmitted to [...]

  • A. Barbat, L. Orosco, J. Hurtado, M. Galindo
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1994). MIS10, ISBN: 84-87867-448-0

    The present monograph describes different ways to define the action of earthquakes upon structures. The progress that has taken place in recent years the application of different [...]

  • P. Mata, A. Barbat, S. Oller, R. Boroschek
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2008). MIS60, ISBN: 978-84-96736-59-7

    In this work, a formulation for rod structures, able to consider coupled geometric and constitutive sources of nonlinearity in both the static and the dynamic range, is developed. [...]

  • C. Gómez, A. Barbat, S. Oller
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2000). MIS41, ISBN: 84-89925-64-X

    In this monograph, a complete review of the state of the art of the seismic vulnerability of motorway bridges is carried out. The work begins with a review of the damage caused [...]

  • A. Barbat, S. Oller
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1997). MIS24, ISBN: 84-89925-10-0

    The standards make recommendations regarding the seismic loads, the simplified methods of structural analysis, the criteria that must be applied to ensure its good global [...]

  • F. Yépez, A. Barbat, J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1995). MIS12, ISBN: 84-87867-50-2

    This monograph describes a conceptual framework necessary for the formulation of seismic risk and of vulnerability studies. The Italian methodology of the vulnerability index [...]

  • J. Vielma, A. Barbat, S. Oller
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2011). MIS65, ISBN: 978-84-95999-60-3

    The monograph begins with a review of the usual seismic analysis procedures and presents the problem of seismic-resistant projects. The required structurual analyses can be [...]

  • M. Marulanda, O. Cardona, M. Ordaz, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2008). MIS61, ISBN: 978-84-96736-60-3

    This monograph presents a summary of the importance for the State of having a public policy of protection or financial management of risk from the perspective of disasters. [...]

  • M. Carreño, O. Cardona, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2005). MIS53, ISBN: 84-95999-76-5

    Once an earthquake has occurred, the inspection of the buildings should be carried out as quickly as possible, in order to reduce the risk and discomfort of the people. This [...]

  • C. Gómez, S. Oller, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2002). MIS47, ISBN: 84-89925-96-8

    In this monograph, we study the definition of possible damage in bridges by using simplified structural models. The state-of-the-art of the seismic vulnerability of bridges [...]

  • J. Canas, J. Egozcue, J. Miquel, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1996). MIS21, ISBN: 84-87867-83-9

    The design and construction of structures in seismic areas requires knowledge of the seismic actions to which they can be subjected throughout their useful life. In general, [...]

  • O. Salomón, S. Oller, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1999). MIS37, ISBN: 84-89925-54-2

    In this monograph, a numerical model based on the finite element method is developed to analyze buildings with base seismic isolation, discretizing the structure-isolator [...]

  • A. Barbat, N. Molinares, J. Rodellar
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1994). MIS08, ISBN: 84-87867-46-4

    In this monograph, we study a type of hybrid system that combines a base isolation system with an active control system that applies forces on the base. The control forces [...]

  • M. Carreño, O. Cardona, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2005). MIS52, ISBN: 84-95999-70-6

    The system of indicators described in this monograph has been the main objective of the operation ATN / JF-7907-RG of the IDB, coordinated by the Instituto de  Environmental [...]

  • R. González, L. Pujades, A. Aparicio, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2007). MIS59, ISBN: 978-84-96736-53-5

    This monograph presents the fundamental concepts related to seismic action, the structural response of buildings, the assessment of vulnerability, risk and seismic damage. [...]

  • M. Carreño, O. Cardona, A. Barbat
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (2004). MIS51, ISBN: 84-95999-66-8

    The Risk Management Index, IGR, is an essential technical contribution of operation ATN / JF-7907-RG of the IDB, coordinated by the Institute of Environmental Studies, IDEA, [...]

  • R. Aguiar, A. Barbat, J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1997). MIS22, ISBN: 84-87867-96-0

    The main objective of this monograph is to evaluate the overall damage index of framed reinforced concrete structures using different models. In order to achieve this objective [...]

  • F. Yépez, A. Barbat, J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1995). MIS14, ISBN: 84-87867-58-8

    The present monograph is a continuation of the monograph MIS-10 and uses the same concepts and definitions described therein. However, to facilitate reading, the authors briefly [...]

  • F. Yépez, A. Barbat, J. Canas
    Monograph Series in Earthquake Engineering, editor A. H. Barbat (1996). MIS20, ISBN: 84-87867-81-2

    The present work is aimed at conducting studies of vulnerability and seismic risk of building structures. The objective of such studies is to try to predict the damage expected [...]


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Engineering, Civil