
This paper presents advances in recent work of the authors to derive a fractional step scheme based on the stabilized finite element method that allows overcoming the above mentioned problem, resulting in a efficient time accurate scheme.

The starting point is the modified [...]


Particle Methods are those in which the problem is represented by a discrete number of particles. Each particle moves accordingly with its own mass and the external/internal forces applied [...]


This paper introduces a new stabilized finite element method based on the finite calculus (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.[...]


A stabilized semi-implicit fractional step finite element method (FEM) for solving coupled fluid-structure interaction problems involving free surface waves is presented. The stabilized governing equations for the viscous incompressible fluid and the [...]


A stabilized semi-implicit fractional step algorithm based on the finite element method for solving ship wave problems using unstructured meshes is presented. The stabilized gov-erning equations for the viscous incompressible fluid and the free surface are derived at a differential [...]


In this paper, we propose a method to solve the problem of floating solids using always a background mesh for the spatial discretization of the fluid domain. The main feature of the method [...]


In this work we present a Fixed-Mesh ALE method for the numerical simulation of free surface flows capable of using an adaptive finite element mesh covering a background [...]


We present a general formulation for analysis of fluid-structure interaction problems using the particle finite element method (PFEM). The key feature of the PFEM is the use of a Lagrangian description to model the motion of nodes (particles) in both the fluid and the structure [...]


This presentation introduces a new stabilized finite element method based on the finite calculus ([...]