Caffeine is one of the most consumed stimulants in the world, being available in beverages such as coffee, chocolate, tea and energizers. It is a molecule used at the pharmacological level as an analgesic and causes psychostimulant effects related to decreased sleepiness, increased [...]
This paper describes the Workflow Designer — a prototype web-based application allowing drag-and-drop creating, editing, and running workflows from a predefined library of methods. Adding a new method requires a minimal effort from users. Moreover, any workflow can be exported or [...]Abstract
Car driving is a complex activity, consisting of an integrated multi-task behavior and requiring different interrelated skills. Over the last years, the number of Advanced Driver Assistance systems integrated into cars has grown exponentially. So it is very important to evaluate [...]
The measurement of the mental workload during real tasks by means of neurophysiological signals is still challenging. The employment of Machine Learning techniques has allowed a step forward in this direction, however, most of the work has dealt with binary classification. This study [...]Abstract
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