Against the background of the recently announced European Commission FP7 post-grant Gold open access pilot, this note addresses the increasingly relevant role that gold open access (OA) is playing in the scholarly communications landscape and argues that the “gold vs green” controversy [...]Abstract
The progress made by the Bibliographic framework initiative (Bibframe) in 2014 is described. Developments are related to the consolidation of Bibframe at the organizational level, as an element of cooperation between institutions, including those who have different views on linked [...]Abstract
Results are presented of an online survey answered by 4,042 libraries in 92 countries between November 3rd 2015 and January 18th 2017, based on their experiences with a total of 138 integrated library systems (ILS), both commercial and open source. The best products classified in [...]Abstract
Results are presented of an online survey answered by 3,992 libraries in 87 countries between November 2017 and February 2018, based on their experiences with a total of 127 integrated library systems (ILS), both commercial and open source. The best products classified in their respective [...]Abstract
Children in many cases do not yet visit libraries but should become library users in the near future. They are growing up in a highly technical environment in which information needs are increasingly being met directly online through different devices and without visiting libraries [...]Abstract
Some key reports that have appeared in 2010 related to professional development are commented. Topics include public libraries, university libraries, new profiles and labour market in the information and documentation area.Abstract
The emergence, concept and characteristics of commercial digital libraries are analyzed. Special attention is given to their potential impact on the cultural and industrial ecosystem of which libraries are an important part, but which faces challenges.Abstract
Results are presented of an online survey answered by 3,141 libraries in 80 countries between 12 December 2014 and 29 January 2015, based on their experiences with a total of 154 integrated library systems (ILS). The best products classified in the various categories analysed were [...]Abstract
Innovation is a continuous need to improve and to adapt to changes, and even anticipate them, to maintain or increase competitive advantage over those with activities similar to ours. Analytical and interpretive approaches to innovation are commented, and the principles of closed [...]Abstract
The most significant developments in the field of mobile technology in 2014 are reviewed, with the aim of obtaining an overview of the sector and its market penetration in the library and reading worlds. First, major developments in terms of devices, operating systems, standards, [...]