We consider the assignment of gates to arriving and departing flights at a large hub airport. This problem is highly complex even in planning stage when all flight arrivals and departures are assumed to be known precisely in advance. There are various considerations that are involved [...]Abstract
I examine the outcomes of cases of entry by merchant shipping lines into established markets around the turn of the century. These established markets are completely dominated by an incumbent cartel composed of several member shipping lines. The cartel makes the decision whether or [...]Abstract
Over recent decades, research on antecedents of safety in High Reliability Organizations (HROs) has shifted from focusing mostly on technical issues to placing greater emphasis on human factors. Although an abundance of research suggests that human factors seem to play an important [...]Abstract
The dynamic and stochastic vehicle routing problem (DSVRP) can be modelled as a stochastic program (SP). In a two-stage SP with recourse model, the first stage minimizes the a priori routing plan cost and the second stage minimizes the cost of corrective actions, performed to deal [...]Abstract
This paper is an extension of work originally reported in SESAR Innovation Days 2018 : Zhengyi Wang, Man Liang, Daniel Delahaye. Automated Data-Driven Prediction on Aircraft Estimated Time of Arrival. SID 2018, 8th Sesar Innovations Days, Dec 2018, Salzburg, Austria. ⟨hal-01944608⟩; [...]Abstract
Many different definitions are currently used to define a design `peak’ hour at airports, such that the majority of passengers receive adequate service levels and only an acceptably small proportion experience the impact of congestion. The evaluation of level of service provision [...]Abstract
Train dwell time is one of the most unpredictable components of railway operations, mainly because of the varying volumes of alighting and boarding passengers. However, for reliable estimations of train running times and route conflicts on main lines, it is necessary to obtain accurate [...]Abstract
The continuous network design problem (CNDP) is known to be difficult to solve due to the intrinsic properties of non-convexity and nonlinearity. Such kinds of CNDP can be formulated as a bi-level programme, in which the upper level represents the designer's decisions and the lower [...]Abstract
Urban road networks may benefit from left turn prohibition at signalized intersections regarding capacity, for particular traffic demand patterns. The objective of this paper is to propose a method for minimizing the total travel time by prohibiting left turns at intersections. With [...]Abstract
Intermediate modes of transport, such as shared vehicles or ride sharing, are starting to increase their market share at the expense of traditional modes of car, public transport, and taxi. In the advent of autonomous vehicles, single occupancy shared vehicles are expected to substitute [...]