
Most of the maintenance actions in the construction sector are still reactive and sporadic, based on subjective criteria. Usually, maintenance actions are performed when the building already presents unacceptable degradation levels, and the reactive maintenance actions carried [...]


This paper presents a new service life database (DUREE database) for building elements, based on international service life data. The database includes 7‘000 service life data, for more than 2‘000 building elements. In addition, the fitting of the data to a lognormal distribution [...]


This paper presents a systematic way to consider the uncertainties of the building elements‘service lives within a stochastic framework, by defining the corresponding probability density functions, based on a service life database. This methodology is appropriate for screening and [...]


Freezing and thawing resistance performance of concrete is a critical issue when evaluating the durability performance of concrete. This paper aims to predict the freezing and thawing resistance performance of concrete based water absorption indexes, meanwhile, five groups of experiments [...]


. Most of European native wood species used outdoors are expected to last less than 10 years if left untreated and exposed to severe environmental conditions such as high humidity and biological agents. However, the current classification of wood’s natural durability based [...]


A remaining life assessment of the DSTs (double-shell tanks) and their associated waste transfer lines, for continued operation over the next 10 years, was favorable. The DST assessment was based on definition of significant loads, evaluation of data for possible material degradation [...]


Argonne National Laboratory has conducted a study to ascertain the relative importance of improved highway materials compared to vehicle energy consumption on US energy consumption. Energy savings through an improved highway infrastructure can occur in at least three ways. First, [...]


RPP-6153, Engineering Task Plan for Hose-in-Hose Transfer System for the Interim Stabilization Program, defines the programmatic goals, functional requirements, and technical criteria for the development and subsequent installation of transfer line equipment to support Hanford's Interim [...]


Bio-based building products are considered key in our future socio-economic environment, since they are a very relevant nature-based solution (NbS) to climate change. The statement of President von der Leyen (European commission) to turn the construction sector into a carbon sink [...]