The reliability of the technical manufacturing base of each state depends on the supplies of energies and drinking water in standard as well as extraordinary conditions. An extraordinary event or crisis situation can be caused by natural influences and anthropogenic events. Whereas [...]
Due to the growing number of emergency accidents occurring around students, evacuation issues have become significantly important for both school officials and architects. Simply following construction codes cannot ensure that a building׳s layout is suitable for evacuation behaviors, [...]Abstract
In light of recent reports showing high incidence of silent cerebral infarcts and organized atrial arrhythmias following radiofrequency (RF) atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation, a review of its safety aspects is timely. Serious complications do occur during supraventricular tachycardia [...]Abstract
The expected increase in transports of people and goods across Europe will aggravate the problems related to traffic congestion, accidents and pollution. As new road infrastructure alone would not solve such problems, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) has been considered as [...]Abstract
International audience; The modes of reasoning which are used in the context of safety analysis and the very nature of knowledge about safety mean that a conventional computing solution is unsuitable and the utilization of artificial intelligence techniques would seem to be more appropriate. [...]Abstract
utomated Driving (AD) technology is anticipated to be a key aspect for achieving a higher level of road safety, a further reduction of harmful emissions, improving traffic flow, increasing comfort and ensuring mobility for all, including elderly and impaired. As AD technology is rapidly [...]Abstract
This is a critique of ESARR4 and its main supporting documents. ESARR4 is the Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirement Number 4 [Eurocontrol safety regulatory requirement ESARR4, Edition 1.0., Eurocontrol, Safety Regulation Commission, Brussels, 2001]: ‘Risk assessment and mitigation [...]Abstract
The prime goal of the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system is to control accident risk. Some key questions are posed, including: What do design safety targets really mean and imply for risk modelling? In what circumstances can future accident risk really be modelled with sufficient [...]Abstract
This paper describes the conceptual design and validation of an air traffic management (ATM) concept and the role the safety and human factors played in this design and validation process. The free flight (FF) concept is characterised by being a direct route concept where the pilots, [...]Abstract
The consequence assessment of a major accident involving a release of toxic gas by a pipeline is usually performed through the evaluation of the associated hazard area, which is an area where the concentration of the toxic substance exceeds a fi xed threshold level and induces harmful [...]