
A ban restricting each car from driving on a specified weekday is found to have increased total driving in Mexico City. Because of the ban, cars effectively represent "driving permits," and some households have bought an additional car and increased their driving. Greater use of old [...]


Economically efficient prices for the passenger transportation system in the Greater Cairo Metropolitan Area would account for broader societal costs of traffic congestion and accidents, and local and global pollution. A $2.20 per gallon gasoline tax (2006 US$) would be economically [...]


This paper describes the modeling of recurring congestion in a network. It is shown that the standard economic models of marginal cost cannot describe precisely traffic congestion in networks during time-dependent conditions. Following a macroscopic traffic approach, we describe the [...]


This paper reviews policy developments in the EU transport sector. The EU has successfully introduced the external cost concept into policy thinking. In the policy orientations, there has been too much emphasis on climate and energy objectives. Also modal share objectives are popular [...]


La presente tesis de maestría contiene el desarrollo de una investigación que permite determinar el grado de mejora futuro en la movilidad de una zona de alta congestión vehicular para cualquier ciudad, a través de la medición de la variación del nivel de servicio en las vías [...]


The rationale of road-pricing schemes is to reduce the negative externalities of road traffic by increasing costs to decrease demand. Although in the transportation literature this is a well-acknowledged means of relieving cities from congestion, only few cities have introduced such [...]


This paper explores the interrelations between pricing, capacity choice and financingin transportation networks. It builds on the famous Mohring-Harwitz result on self-financing ofoptimally designed roads under optimal congestion pricing, and specifically investigates itsins and outs [...]


This paper considers the use of 'long-run cost functions' for congested networks in solving second-best network problems, in which capacity and tolls are instruments. We derive analytical results both for general cost and demand functions and for specific functional forms, namely [...]


This discussion paper led to a publication in 'Transportation Research Part B: Methodological' . The traditional bottleneck model for road congestion promotes the implementation of a triangular, fully time varying, charge as the optimal solution for the road congestion externality. [...]


Urban road pricing involves direct charging of drivers for the use of the road network, usually during peak periods. The main objectives for the introduction of a road pricing scheme, in a congested city network, include reduction of delays, environmental improvement and revenue increase. [...]