With a mixed global contract the maintenance of a road network is carried out, through the simultaneous execution of conservation under the modality to series of unitary prices, and by sum raised by level of service. In the latter, there is a great precariousness in the procedures, [...]
Does consideration of average speed distributions on roads-as compared to single mean speed-lead to different results in emission modelling of large road networks? To address this question, a post-processing method is developed to predict mean speed distributions using available traffic [...]Abstract
This study proposes Reinforcement Learning (RL) based algorithm for finding optimum signal timings in Coordinated Signalized Networks (CSN) for fixed set of link flows. For this purpose, MOdified REinforcement Learning algorithm with TRANSYT-7F (MORELTRANS) model is proposed by way [...]Abstract
espanolLa necesidad de dar respuesta al freno que suponia la deficitaria red de transporte terrestre para el crecimiento de la economia se convirtio en un objetivo basico de la politica inversora del Estado durante el siglo XX. Un primer esfuerzo constructor se produjo en el primer [...]Abstract
This paper presents a comparative analysis of the level-of-service (LOS) determination based on the VISSIM simulation software and technique described in Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The methodology used in the analysis is that of the level of service determination for road transport [...]Abstract
In order to improve the efficiency of transportation networks, it is critical to forecast traffic congestion. Large-scale traffic congestion data have become available and accessible, yet they need to be properly represented in order to avoid overfitting, reduce the requirements of [...]Abstract
dverse weather conditions regularly lead to severe congestion and large travel time delays on road networks all over the world. Different climate scenarios indicate that in the future adverse weather conditions are likely to become more frequent, last longer and will be more extreme. [...]Abstract
The quality aspects of OpenStreetMap (OSM), as the global representation of crowd-sourced mapping, have always been of priomary concern to academics. While the methodologies for checking its quality against the national maps have been implemented by a number of studies, there are [...]