
Presentació al monogràfic sobre «Pragmaestilística».


The so-called «Spanish stylistic school», and specially pioneer linguists of this group as Amado Alonso and Dámaso Alonso, is presented in this article as a precedent of modern pragmastylistics in some interesting aspects. Nevertheless, as López García states, later authors –often [...]


This paper summarizes articles and books about Catalan stylistics ans pragmatics. Variational research in catalan sociolinguistic describes standard, literary, and conversational forms. The paper explains the contents of these studies and distinguishes between oral and writing code. [...]


In the last years ans in the field of translation into Catalan, there has been a lot of interest on the relationship between stylistics and translation. This line of research has been influenced by concepts developed by the Manipulation School, the theory of the polysystem and the [...]