
Existing diagnostic guidelines for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF) primarily comprise natriuretic peptides and echocardiographic assessment, highlighting the role of diastolic dysfunction. However, recent discoveries of novel plasma markers implicated in pathophysiology [...]


Fusion energy, based on the use of broadly available inexhaustible resources as lithium and deuterium and with minimal impact to the environment, aims at a change in the energy supply paradigm: instead of its current dependence on natural resources and environmental impact, energy [...]


There is an increasing interest in using new lighting technologies such as light emitting diode (LED), induction, and plasma light sources in roadway lighting. The most commonly claimed benefits of the new lighting systems include increased reliability, improved efficiency, and reduced [...]


Through this study two different natural fibres composites were characterized from the point of view of decomposition kinetics comparing two kinetics models, Kissinger and Model Free Kinetics in order to estimate the lifetime of the composites. Composite materials were prepared [...]